Contact Us
For Rentals and Material Sales contact Frede Serrano at (559) 274-0300 ext. 19
For Pricing of Construction Projects call (559) 274-0300 and ask for estimating or you can email us at sales@calvalleyconstruction.com
Cal Valley Construction, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages the participation of SB and SDB enterprises. We actively welcome the participation of small business, SBA certified small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran owned, disabled veteran owned, and HUBzone small business enterprises.
100% Payment and Performance Bonds from an acceptable surety may be required. Assistance with bonding, insurance, and lines of credit or obtaining supplies, equipment and materials may be available for qualifying individuals.
Cal Valley Construction
Cal Valley Rental Services
5125 N. Gates Ave., Ste. 102
Fresno, CA 93722-6414
(559) 274-0300